K3 Imagine - Our Public API

Our Public API

For the latest news on whats been released into our Products, please visit the Release Notes.

Useful links:

  • Go to Portal
  • Imagine Documentation
  • GET


    Get the overall status for your status page. Doesn’t include components and historical notices.

    "page": {
    "name": "K3 Imagine",
    "url": "https://status.k3imagine.com",
    "status": "UP"
    "activeIncidents": [
    "id": "cl4a8n3070721qtmzvts760c4",
    "name": "We're facing an issue with our API",
    "started": "2022-06-11T18:55:50Z",
    "status": "INVESTIGATING",
    "impact": "MAJOROUTAGE",
    "url": "https://testing-widget.instatus.com/incident/cl4a8n3070721qtmzvts760c4",
    "updatedAt": "2022-06-11T19:30:00Z"
    "activeMaintenances": [
    "id": "cl4a8nlv50918qtmzdlw60ivu",
    "name": "Database maintenance",
    "start": "2022-06-11T18:55:54Z",
    "status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
    "duration": "60",
    "url": "https://testing-widget.instatus.com/maintenance/cl4a8nlv50918qtmzdlw60ivu",
    "updatedAt": "2022-06-11T19:30:00Z"


    Get your status page components, and active issues affecting them.

    "id": "ckf01fvnxywz60a35wdbn5gz5",
    "name": "App",
    "status": "OPERATIONAL",
    "description": "",
    "isParent": false,
    "children": []